Monday, January 10, 2011

Been A Long Time

San Diego

So my 365 photo challenge didn't go so well.. So just a blog every now and then will do..
But for now lets play catch up:
1. Got job promotion and they transferred me to Dalton. Love, Love my new job!!!
2. We are moving back to Chattanooga in 2 weeks
3.My dad got diagnosed with cancer, but is doing well. (Please remember him in your prayers)

Does not seem like a lot, but it is to all have happend in 3 months..Thankfully Chad works for his dad and his sweet dad is letting him come work in Chattanooga instead of Atlanta so that we can both move home. 

But right now we are watching the National Championship game, and as much as I love my best-friend Jordan (huge Auburn and Cam fan) and Auburn adopted me in college I cannot pull for them! Go DUCKS!!! 

I am not sure when it started snowing in Georgia, but it snowed on Christmas which was amazing and last night we got about 8inches of snow. Which has been fabulous, plus 2 days off of work! My friend Christina Ratterman had this to say about our little white surprise
Snow is not a burden but rather a blessing that God has given us to remind us to slow down, enjoy life and never forget what it feels like to be a kid.. 
I finally got Chad out of this house today to play in the snow, our "playing" consisted of us walking around and watching Bocephus jump around in it. I think tomorrow we may convince the kids in the subdivision to let us sled with them. 
Little Bobo wanted NOTHING to do with the snow.. 

So Chad made him..

Bobo came around and eventually loved the snow
Also since the last time I blogged, my mother-in-law, father-in-law, sister-in- law, Chad and myself went to    San Diego to visit Chads sister. It was one of the best trips I've been on. The weather there is to die for, If I could move the whole family there I would!