Last year I was the assistant swim coach at Centennial High School, and LOVED it. We had the best head-coach ever Chad and I even became good friends with him and his wife. This year he got a better opportunity at another school and took it :(. So without knowing what I was getting myself into I agreeded to be the head coach. I had no idea how difficult it really was going to be... Maybe because I have no idea what I am doing, guess last year I got away with a lot.. But now on a Tuesday night at 9:20P.M. I'm piled up in my living room sorting through swim stuff racking my brain on what to do, who to swim, emailing coaches,
Etc. Etc.
Andy we miss you come back.. Worse picture ever but at least we have a first place trophy in our hands..
Really I just want to be back here on vacation in Aruba sleeping under the trees after a long day of doing nothing but swimming, laying out and having a few drinks.. ahhh...!!!
Or here in St. Lucia with the friends that we made!